2012年9月21日 星期五

Hydrogen Wave Function (氫原子的波動函數)[2012-09-22]

Wave Function

Wave Function (

Hydrogen Wave Function

Hydrogen Wave Function (
氫原子的波動函數)[2012-09-22];_資訊來源_sevencolors.org; hydrogen_density_plots.jpg

Source URL:

胺基酸(amino acid)是組成蛋白質(protein)的建構組塊(building block)

胺基酸(amino acid)是組成蛋白質(protein)的建構組塊(building block) 2012-07-22
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.
胺基酸 是組成 蛋白質 建構組塊。
胺基酸(amino acid)是組成蛋白質(protein)的建構組塊(building block)
胺基酸(amino acid)是組成蛋白質(protein)建構組塊(building block)

湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang) 親筆寫於 西元 2012-07-22

Energy levels (【物理學】能階) and electron transitions (【物理學】電子躍遷) in hydrogen atom (氫原子)

Energy levels (【物理學】能階) and electron transitions (【物理學】電子躍遷) in hydrogen atom (氫原子);_資訊來源_files.chem.vt.edu [2012-09-22](IR90).gif

Source URL:

Energy levels in hydrogen atom and other atoms [2012-09-22];_資訊來源_kutl.kyushu-u.ac.jp.jpg


2012年9月20日 星期四

積極地保護妳(你)自己,在所有的層次! 多層次及多方位的思維模式_2012-0701_

積極地保護妳()自己,在所有的層次! 多層次及多方位的思維模式_2012-0701_
湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang)
(WeiJin Tang)
西元 2012-07-01

Solubility of Lysozyme (溶菌酶) in the Presence of Aqueous Chloride Salts - Common-Ion Effect (共同離子效應) and Its Role on Solubility and Crystal Thermodynamics [2008](IR91)

Solubility of Lysozyme (溶菌酶) in the Presence of Aqueous Chloride Salts - Common-Ion Effect (共同離子效應) and Its Role on Solubility and Crystal Thermodynamics [2008](IR91).png

Figure saved by WeiJin Tang (湯偉晉) on [2012-09-21]

2012年9月18日 星期二

Be very cautious about airborne chemicals. (對於懸浮在空氣中的化學物質,要非常小心而且謹慎。)

Be very cautious about airborne chemicals.

Be very cautious about airborne chemicals. (

對於懸浮在空氣中的化學物質,要非常小心而且謹慎。(Be very cautious about airborne chemicals.)

湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang) 親筆寫於 西元 2012-09-18

2012年9月14日 星期五

Linus Pauling: The Nature of the Universe

Linus Pauling: The Nature of the Universe

2012年9月11日 星期二

正確地使用妳(你)的身體;_by_湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang)_2012-0912_

()的身體;_by_湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang)_2012-0912_


湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang) 親筆寫於 西元 2012-09-12

Article Title or File Name (
(WeiJin Tang)_2012-0912_
正確地使用妳()的身體;_by_湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang)_2012-0912_(IR91)_

2012年9月10日 星期一

Comparative Biochemistry and Metabolism; Part II - Naphthalene Lung Toxicity [1981](IR92); FNKWs{glutathione, depletion, covalent bonding};_資訊來源_dtic.mil

September 10, 2012; 08:43:17 p.m. Taipei Time
Comparative Biochemistry and Metabolism - Part 2 - Naphthalene Lung Toxicity [1981](IR91); FNKWs{covalent binding and glutathione depletion} (15_of_15).png

Comparative Biochemistry and Metabolism; Part II - Naphthalene Lung Toxicity [1981](IR92); FNKWs{glutathione, depletion, covalent bonding};_資訊來源_dtic.mil.png

Comparative Biochemistry and Metabolism; Part II - Naphthalene Lung Toxicity [1981](IR92); FNKWs{glutathione, depletion, covalent bonding};_資訊來源_dtic.mil_F02.png

2012年9月5日 星期三

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 - Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds [1994](IR94) – Cover page.png

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 - Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds [1994](IR94)

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 - Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds [1994](IR94) – Covalent Binding of Carcinogens to Tissue Macromolecules.png

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 - Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds [1994](IR94) – Cover page.png

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 - Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds [1994](IR94) – Historical perspective.png

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 - Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds [1994](IR94) – it was shown that various chemical carcinogens became covalently bound to proteins, RNAs, and DNA in vivo.png

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 - Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds [1994](IR94) – Title page.png

Advances in Pharmacology Volume 27 [1994](IR94) – enzyme mechanism of GSTs is reduction of pK, of glutathione thiol from approximately 9, value in free solution, to a value in the region of neutrality at active site.png

Selective Killing of K-ras Mutant Cancer Cells by Novel Small Molecule Inducers of Oxidative Stress [2011](IR92); source#MIT.edu

Selective Killing of K-ras Mutant Cancer Cells by Novel Small Molecule Inducers of Oxidative Stress [2011](IR92); source#MIT.edu